Presentations and Exhibits
- Databases-excercises (Educational websites for highschool class Computer Science, , , 2024) - House ralley programmed with high school kids (Hybrid online and offline game , 2023)
- Corona epidemic simulation ( website , 2021)
- Optimal Camera Placement for Human-Robot-Cooperation (Presentation at the Universität Illmenau und Fachhochschule Coburg, 2020)
- Recognition of Traffic Signs with CNNs (Presentation at the Fachhochschule Coburg, 2020)
- A Bayes Method in Visual Computing (Presentation at the Fachhochschule Coburg, 2020)
- EyeC ProofRunner Carton HiLight (Exhibit at the Interpack in Düsseldorf, 2017)
- Automatic Mitotic Count (Presentation at Zeiss, 2016)
- Optimal Placement of Multiple Cameras in Cluttered, Dynamic Scenes (Presentation at the Pixel Club, Technion computer vision colloquium, Israel institute of technology, Haifa, 2016)
- Real World Optimization Problems (Presentation at the University of Cambridge and at the University of Lübeck, 2016)
- Three-dimensional Placement of Multiple Cameras to Approximate a Human Coworker Correctly Despite Robot Occluder (Poster at the Workshop on Safety for human-robot interaction in industrial settings, IROS, Hamburg, Germany, 2015)
- Optimization of a Surrogate on a Decomposed Domain (Poster at the Workshop Women in Optimization, Heidelberg, Germany, 2015)
- A Domain Decomposition Method for Camera Placement (4th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, Birmingham, 2014)
- Challenges in Camera Network Optimization (Presentation at the Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2013)
- Hänel, Maria (2015) A Matter of Perspective – Three-dimensional Placement of Multiple Cameras to Maximize their Coverage. PhD thesis.
- Hänel, Maria (2010) Optimierung von Kamerapositionen zur Überwachung teils unbekannter Umgebungen. Diploma thesis.
Former Member
- Safety strategies for human-robot-cooperation (SIMERO)
- Intuitive programming of self-adaptive robots (A-BOT)
- TA for lecture Pattern Recognition
- TA Bachelor Seminary
- TA Large Master Project
- TA Master Thesis
- Teacher for highschool kids Math/Computer Science